Performance Management

The following are pages related to Performance Management:

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate having TPG involved in our training this past year. You have been lifesavers! We have loved working with your team. You are all the epitome of professionalism and excellence. I knew anything we gave to you to work on would be done exceptionally well and on time.

- Training Manager, Government of Alberta

August 1, 2020

Take This Job and … Love It!

Did you know that up to 60% of people say the number one source of stress in their lives is their job? What about the rest? Who are the lucky few who actually enjoy their jobs?

Effective Coaching Strategies

Coaching is an increasing important role in a work environment that demands performance and accountability. It is a set of communication skills based on insight, analysis and synthesis. The effective coaching workshop is targeted to individuals who want to enhance their coaching skills.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Producing results based on corporate goals and objectives requires performers who know what is expected of them, and are engaged, committed and motivated to perform their best.

Conflict Management

Conflict is an inevitable part of daily living. In our business, personal and social affairs, we encounter conflict. When mismanaged, it can be destructive and disruptive. If properly addressed, it is an opportunity for creativity and problem solving.

Coaching Conversations

Coaching is an increasing important role in a work environment that demands performance and accountability. It is a set of communication skills based on insight, analysis and synthesis. Coaching Conversations is targeted to individuals who want to enhance their coaching skills.

Are You Heading for an Energy Crisis?

Energy management is the new concept in time management. It acknowledges that you can’t really ‘manage time’ – you only get 24 hours in a day and no more. However, you can increase your energy and get more done.

Goal Setting for Success

With the frequency of change increasing in both our life and in the workplace, the need for clear roles and goals is more critical now than ever before to ensure results and high performance are achieved.

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